Thursday 3 January 2013

How did I get so many friends?!

Today I'm surrounded by so many amazing people! So many lovely people being so kind and caring to me it's overwhelming! Since this diagnosis people have gone out of their way to make sure I feel loved and supported and have the sweetest and kindest words!

Who would have thought I could be so popular!

Popularity was never my strong point at high school! I somehow just seemed to stick out like a sore thumb? I wasn't sporty, I wasn't into the 'in' things, I wasn't blonde and skinny and for some reason I never seemed to attract people that wanted to be my friend! I attracted a lot of attention but usually this wasn't all that complementary!

Luckily as I moved up through high school I became less and less bothered and I found people became more tolerant of me , and although I didn't have people queuing up to be my friend, I just gate crashed my cousins friends, or anyone else that happened to look up for some conversation. Eventually by the time I left school people actually liked ( or at least tolerated me ).

Even now I don't quite get what was up with me?! No I wasn't going to change who I was to get friends, and no I didn't want to loose 5 inches off my legs to avoid 'she's a man' jibes I just wanted to be me!

Even at University I managed to rub some people up the wrong way and attract unhelpful comments and opinions of me. I'm sure people just had me misunderstood?! By this point I couldn't care less, I had surrounded myself with people that were willing to give me a chance and realised I was actually quite nice really!

That's how life tottered on, I had great friends but somehow always attracted some busy body that wanted to make me seem 'weird', 'too big for my boots' and just a general fool.?'

It's a shame you have to walk through life sometimes constantly trying to shake people off your ankles that are just trying to pull you down in an attempt to make themselves look better or so they can try and climb over you to get what they want. More fool them!

In life I've realised you have to just grin and bear stuff, allow people the opportunity to try and break you. It's their own energy they are wasting not yours, the only thing you have to do is hold your head up, be yourself regardless and then enjoy life while they waste their energy and only make themselves look bad.

Now I've come full circle and at the grand old age of 29 people like me!! In fact everyone likes me ( ok maybe an exaggeration but that's what I tell myself! ) and I have found myself wrapped in so many nice people that are genuinely my friends, enjoy my company, care for and love me its lovely!

It's such a nice place to be! If I needed anything; tea making, a lift to the hospital, someone to watch Madeline, a chocolate bar or a chat I would have people queuing up to help. How lucky am I!

Since being ill I have received so many lovely words from so many lovely people. Yesterday I received a lovely letter from a mum of a baby I cared for years ago who told me how wonderful I am ( she did honest! ). Being a bit if a hoarder I'm keeping all my kind words and then I can keep getting them out and reminding myself that you should be yourself and eventually it will all pay off! Also it doesn't hurt to be told repeatedly how wonderful you are.

I have the most wonderful husband and we made the most perfect daughter and she's half of me and I wouldn't change any of her, even my half! That's the bit that makes her unique and quirky. I have the loveliest circle of friends from all over the place.

So now surrounded contentedly by all my amazing friends and family I will put my feet up and lap up the love

1 comment:

  1. That really surprises me Nic, you're so popular at work i would have guessed it had been the same when you were younger?! Although high school is a strange place with a weird set of rules all of it's own!
