Sunday 13 January 2013

A little bit about me

When I started this blog, I though a few of my Facebook friends and family would be reading it, but after logging in yesterday and noticing that 2219 people had indeed read ( or briefly glanced at ) it. How bizarre?! I was thinking id get about 30?!

So this was a little post about me minus and cancer stuff for those people reading that haven't got a clue who I am!

I was born and have lived all my life in Manchester, England. I have a younger brother David and my parents ( although split ) still live local as do the majority of my family so I have always grown up with family close.

I sailed through school and then went straight onto college to do my A-Levels. From an early age I knew that I wanted to be a neonatal nurse ( just like my mum ) so I chose appropriate subjects at school and then got a place at Manchester university to do my children's nursing degree.

At Uni I met my now husband who was a nurse on the course too ( adult ). I lived with 3 girls on the course and Rick lived with Jimmy another nurse from the course, ( the guys were totally out numbered and so had to stick together! ) .

Over the first couple of years at uni we fell in love and Rick finally conceded and became my 'boyfriend'!

After Uni I got a job on a regional neonatal unit and Rick at the same hospital on a haematology unit: both the jobs we had wanted.

We were soon engaged and bought a house the following year, we filled it with 2 puppies and 4 kittens and were married the next year.

Soon after getting married, we had some fertility treatment and were lucky enough to get pregnant with our super, wonderful and special baby girl. We spent the next 9 months talking to my belly not realising that this was as quiet as life was ever going to be for ....... Well for ever!?

Madeline was born ( eventually, 13 days late after a 3 day induction ) and we both fell in love with her instantly. Life then became focussed around this little bundle of baby, juggling house work, and enjoying life.

When Madeline was 6 months old I went back to work. I started at a district general hospital on a neonatal unit there. I had had lots of placements there in my training and it had always seemed a lovely unit, plus my mum worked on the unit and had done for years, ( lots of years! ) so I knew a lot of people there. I'm still there now and still love my job.

I'm glad that my career choice I made as a child had turned out to be just what I had hoped it would. I could never imagine doing anything else. I love all aspects of my job. I have met some wonderful families and babies over the year and feel special to think I was part of their early days.

That's about me really! No big exciting stories but I wouldn't swop it! I'm not the sort that wishes I took a gap year or did some travelling etc. I just wanted to be a wife and a mummy and then go to work and try and make a difference. I achieved this nice and early and was enjoying the contentment of life. Of course some more money and more holidays would have been nice but life was good!

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