Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A week of eating and sleeping

Chemotherapy was over a week ago now and I've basically just eaten lots and slept lots. No puking for me! I'm so glad. I thought I was lucky last time to avoid being sick but thought I had no chance this time! Kept waiting for delayed effects but they never came.

The tiredness is so overwhelming! I have never felt tiredness like it! But when all you need to do is rectify that is close your eyes it hasn't been too difficult! I had been high on steroids for so long that being dopey is actually quite nice! Been having couple of hour naps in the day but again it's not a hardship.

If I had to have come home and carry on, it would be an impossibility, but I'm so lucky to have super, capable and willing husband and family and friends which have taken over doing everything so I can just sleep off my drugs! 

Feeling a little less tired today however yesterday being at the hospital I was shattered!!! I couldn't keep my eyes open between my 15 minutely observations my body just crashed! I actually looked like a patient lay under a blanket snoozing while having drugs pumping into me, glad I managed the stereotypical look once but hoping i wont be making that habit.

I assume it was more the steroids than the chemo but I developed a food obsession. Or should I say I developed an obsession with my obsession of food, this last week I have been 2 hourly fed! Once I eat I am already dreaming of what's next. So as well of lots of sleeping I've done lots of eating too! I've weaned off my steroids now and took my last lot this morning and already feel less obsessed so hoping to go back to as normal as I can manage under the circumstances.

Not in hospital till Wednesday now. Going to meet with the stem cell transplant consultant and have bloods and stuff then I will organise appointments to have my stem cells collected ( il go Into that another time but is relatively easy and quick ) in the next few weeks. 

My productivity in my creations totally ground to a halt and I have just been pottering around fiddling with making Maddie random hats and things like you do! Today I'm back on it though and I will have some things to send out very soon! 

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