What is radiotherapy? There is a very complex and in depth answer to that question somewhere but I'm afraid I will have to provide the easy answer!
Radiotherapy is used in cancer care with or without chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.
Sometimes radiotherapy is used to 'back up' the work chemotherapy has done and to reduce the chances of that cancer returning. Sometimes it is used to reduce a patients symptoms and other times it is used in the hope it can kill all or a lot of cancer cells, ( that's what I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for ).
Radiotherapy works by using high energy radiation beams to a specific area which kills the cancer cells. It works by interrupting the cells at a DNA level which stops them dividing and they ultimately die.
The Beams come from a machine called a linear accelerator, the patient lies still on the bed and the machine moves around them delivering the beams to the correct area. This takes a matter is seconds or occasionally minutes and is usually repeated as a course. I was prescribed a specific dose of radiation split into 15 days ( fractions ).
There is no pain immediately or during the procedure but side effects do build up in the area treated, this is because as well as killing cancer cells some heathy cells surrounding the cancer as affected, this is usually temporary and go a couple of weeks after treatment.
The side effects are only in the area that was treated, so for me I have radiotherapy to my mediastinum ( if you put your palm over your heart with fingers reaching up to collar bone that is where my radiation field is ). I will have burning of the skin both at the front and the back. This is because the radiation beams are delivered from the front and the back of me. I will also 'burn' from the inside too, In the area I've been treated it will mean my oesophagus be very raw and swallowing will be painful, currently it just feels like a bit of reflux? I've been assured it will get worse! I have liquid paracetamol to sip!
There can be long term side effects from radiotherapy, especially if treating a big area like mine with important things in like my heart and lungs. This can't be avoided though and I won't be complaining if all I have to worry about is long term side effects!
That's my mini radiotherapy lesson, hope it made a little sense!!
Ps the pics are from google and not actually me!! Xx